
  1. Focus on the general idea whilst reading or listening to lectures. Also, try not to take notes during these activities since multi-tasking is absurd.

  2. Allow yourself to get indulged into the visual references, instead of reasoning too much.

  3. Try not to get put into one after another dilemma for real which according to David Lynch is bad for work production. Instead, try to understand the tragedies and miseries among the normal. Namely, to feel every inch of the fear and carry on.

  4. Acknowledge how crucial money is and look for your own way of self-maintenance. And most importantly, do hold one’s belief above everything else.

  5. Following the last point, differentiate between the invaluable and the valuable experiences, sometimes it’s about work, life, study, travel, etc.

  6. Επιμέλεια εαυτού (Well, credit to Michel Foucault for allowing me to get conversant with this great terminology concerning oneself)

  7. Care less about the tools as you proceed to learn more about it, the latter is a fundamental step in order to do the former.

  8. Share your ideas and thoughts with the public, regardless of their (the audience’s) specific occupations, as long as they are interested. Through such a process one could have a chance to reiterate the prototypes of these concepts and nurture them further, even through such one-way conversation.

  9. Regularly clear out and dump away archived projects. Make room for new stuff to come out by not giving too much credit to the past.

Xiangyin Gu

Xiangyin Tom Gu is a doctoral researcher at the Royal College of Art, where their research focuses on concepts of screen memories, repression, and the unconscious in the dialogue between the affective and the political. They also hold an MSc in Psychology, and their projects engage with themes that integrate family photos, psychoanalysis, and political theories.


Like a Spoon of Sugar


A Dream without a Dream