It is perhaps always, in a sort of discrepancy, that we understand the same concepts.
When there is no longer any tolerance left for voices, what is left as possible is not even silence itself, which would also soon be banned. It must be accompanying silence together with a certain level of invisibility.
Indeed, the visibility of silence can also be interpreted as something. Whilst invisibility of silence leaves no room for authoritative intervention. As it were, not only must we learn to be silent, also must we embrace a sense of invisibility.
In archives, these are untracable marks. What I would have looked for in the short-living figures of those that get rallied and prosecuted do not even meet this criteria. Instead of the silent majority, what we have is virtually the silent and invisible majority.
年末时,外祖父离世,宣告了他青春的句点。葬礼静谧而肃穆,舅舅发表了简短的讲话,本以为会有众人到场,现场却出人意料地冷清。曾经风光无限的外祖父,就这样消逝在了人世间。 同年,他首次触及了摄影的世界。