笔日札记 ​​​


Having already entered his marriage, arranged by his family, he fell in love with another woman in his factory. They are madly in love. A form of love that I assume is shared by only ones living in an era of desolation, without the overflowing amount of distraction. The world remains tangibly small. Ones that might be felt in their 20s. Such mad love led to his death.

A brief letter on the table is all that was left. The family gathers all manpower and boats with hooks to retrieve his body. Nothing was found. After a few days, he was announced dead in the village.

No one knew his affair. In fact, both of them disappeared. The year he chose to end his life is just a few years after his father hanged himself with a rope in his room. His corpse was found a few minutes too late by his wife. The whole family may have been haunted with his death since.

Xiangyin Gu

Xiangyin Tom Gu is a doctoral researcher at the Royal College of Art, where their research focuses on concepts of screen memories, repression, and the unconscious in the dialogue between the affective and the political. They also hold an MSc in Psychology, and their projects engage with themes that integrate family photos, psychoanalysis, and political theories.



